
Wed 12/31/08 - - New Year's Ava (Eve)

As 2008 becomes the past, Ava is already giving us some insight into the future. So far, 2009 looks to be a year of both progress and prosperity.

Today's echo did not show any significant change in the clot they are watching on the right atrium near the SVC. They are continuing with heparin to ensure the clot does not grow.

We are also very happy to report that the 12/28, 12/29, 12/30, and the 12/31 blood cultures are still negative for MRSA (as current as 00:00 01/01/09). This is extremely positive news and is a reassuring indicator that with the antibiotics Ava's body is winning the fight against the MRSA.

They discontinued the oxygen respiratory treatments and morphine IV and have switched her over to oral doses of Digoxin to help her heart pump and the Lasix diuretic. She is also receiving full feeds of the 27-cal NeoSure forumla (NG) with only a little IV fluids to supplement. There was some concern about Ava's bowel movements so she was given Glycerine which did the trick.

Teresa hopes to hold Ava again and possibly feed her with a bottle tomorrow, which is a possibility if her foley catheter is removed as scheduled.

There has even been mention of a possible departure from the PICU to the step-down unit as early as next week, however, we are trying to not get too ahead of ourselves and take things minute by minute.

An important note is that the original surgeon who performed the VSD repair spoke with Teresa today to voice his frustration and apologize for the MRSA infection. Per him, he really hasn't seen anything like Ava's case in his career which spans over some 30-plus years. Because of her case, they are implementing new procedures in regards how VSD repairs are to be handled in the OR, including pre and post screening the patients for MRSA as a proactive measure.

As the door on 2008 closes and we step through 2009's doorway, we would like to again thank everyone who has been there for us through Ava's diagnosis, treatment, surgeries, and recovery. There are many of you who have offered to help in many ways, gave Ava prayers and warm wishes, and supported us through many different means. To all of you, from Ava, Teresa, and myself - - May you have a blessed New Year and a prosperous 2009!

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