
Tues 01/13/09 - - Some Meds Stop... Some Start

Overall, today was a pretty blah day.

The Gentamicin IV antibiotic was stopped. The main purpose for it was to help boost the efforts of the Vancomycin antibiotic in fighting the MRSA infection. Due to Ava's progress and the overall concentration level of Gentamicin in her blood, it was no longer necessary.

The renal ultrasound was performed and an echo was scheduled. Ava was started on a quarter of baby aspirin daily to thin her blood to keep the clot they are watching in check. The IV Heparin drip was lowered from 1.2 to 0.77.

Ava's weight this morning was 3.845 kilograms, roughly 8.46 pounds - - She is starting to show signs of fattening. By day's end she was at 19cc per hour on her CorPak feeds.

The Broviac dressing and chest dressing were changed and the echo was performed.

The renal ultrasound and the echo both came back as normal.

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