
Sat 01/17/09 - - Anxiety and Healing

Though Ava's heart rate has been a little elevated the cardiologists were not too concerned at this point.

Teresa inquired about possibly starting Ava on a bottle as Ava is beginning to tell us she is ready - - bowel movements, gas, stomach growling, etc. The staff decided to wait for now, looking to the next round of GI testing tentatively scheduled for later in the week to reveal if in fact her stomach is resuming normal emptying function or not.

Infectious Disease examined the irritation in Ava's groin and told us to leave it exposed right now, as that it is probably a contact reaction to the bandage and airing it out will help heal it faster. They also reiterated that until Ava has her feeding issues licked and the IV antibiotics course has been completed, there is no reason for Ava to leave the Children's Hospital.

By day's end, the irritation that was left to air dry was healing very nicely.

Tomorrow is spaghetti dinner benefit at St. Agnes in Elyria. Though we cannot be there, we are anxious to see how the turn out is going to be and how everything is to unfold. Teresa and I worked on a letter that will be read during the dinner and will be posted to the blog following the event. We are very blessed to have such great friends and family who would go out of their way to do this for us/Ava.

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