
Sun 01/11/09 - - Four More (Weeks That Is)

Overnight there Teresa and I became concerned with an area on the right leg near the Broviac. We were not sure whether it was a simple skin irritation, or something more problematic so we made the staff aware.

During the morning rounds, there was some growing concern because Ava's respirations and blood pressure increased a little. An x-ray was ordered to see if there was any fluid build up in Ava's lungs or around her heart (and to verify placement of the NG and CorPak).

The Infectious Disease doctor explained to Teresa and I that it will probably be about four more weeks at the Children's Hospital while Ava finishes out the current course of IV antibiotics. Oral antibiotics will probably follow (even at home) to ensure that there are no further complications from the initial MRSA infection.

The x-ray came back "beautiful". The Lasix diuretic that Ava was on was discontinued as her fluid intake and output is under control.

There was some discussion about adding Captopril to Ava's medication regimine. This would aide with the fluctuating blood pressure. Supplemental Iron was also introduced to help stabilize Ava's blood counts (to avoid the need for any future transfusions).

There was some more good news on the feeding front as Ava's feeds were increased to 13cc per hour with 24-calorie formula. Previously Ava was at 22-calorie formula, and because both the volume and the caloric intake are now being increased Teresa and I are excited that Ava will start to fatten up and grow (she needs some meat on those bones!).

The one low note for the day is that during one of the aspirations of Ava's stomach (to check for any residual saliva/formula/air) that a tea-colored solution came out. We notified the staff, and it was sent over to the labs for further analysis.

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