
Tues 01/06/09 - - GI (NOT for "Government Issue")

Other than a brief discussion on Ava's blood pressure (it was a little higher than normal), morning rounds were pretty congruent with the previous ones. All labs fell within normal values, the MRSA blood cultures were still negative, and overall Ava was stable. The staff decided to just monitor Ava's blood pressure for now and treat if it becomes necessary.

Today's day was centered around the first GI study - - the upper GI x-ray. Teresa and Papa took Ava down to radiology where she was given a contrast solution in her NG tube. Under an x-ray machine, the radiologist tried to follow the solution through the stomach into the intestines, however, her stomach emptied faster than anticipated and the opportunity to capture the emptying on film came and went before the radiologist could react.

Though it was good news that Ava's stomach did empty, the test was invalid and was to be rescheduled for Thursday. Tomorrow, Ava would visit Nuclear Medicine and go through a gastric emptying procedure to determine the rate in which her stomach empties into the intestines.

Following a long morning at Radiology, Ava slept. There were many visits by the various teams that are responsible for Ava's recovery, and everyone was commenting on how well Ava has progressed despite all of these set backs.

In the evening the vacuum dressing which was changed just yesterday was found to have a small leak. The surgeon was paged and it was determined that in the morning that the dressing is to be changed over from the vacuum seal to the hydro gel bandage.

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