
Thurs 01/08/09 - - Moving On Up...

The day started out with a couple doses of good news:
  • 1] Ava was stable enough to leave the PICU and go to the cardiac step-down unit
  • 2] There was no need to test her blood for MRSA as the cultures remain negative

An x-ray was taken and revealed that there was still some residual contrast solution from the previous day's test - - so there would be no repeating of the barium GI x-ray today. The hope was that the solution will further progress in her intestines and it could be performed later today or tomorrow.

Also because of the residual the corpak placement could not be verified. There was still some belief that the corpak needed to go in a little further so they manually advanced it forward and administered erythromycin (another antibiotic, but can also be used to increase gastric motility to aide with the advancement). Following the advancement they had Ava lay on her right side for three hours.

Another attempt at an x-ray was carried out and the corpak placement was successfully verified. They are going to increase the Pedialyte to combat dehydration which has set in and slowly start offsetting the IV fluids with continuous formula feeds.

In the afternoon, Teresa and Papa packed up our "PICU home" and migrated to the step-down unit. The staff were all there to welcome Ava as she spent much of her time prior to the surgery there.

Though we were one step closer to home, there was one caveat - - Ava had to give up her "big bed" for a standard-issue hospital crib (looks like a steel cage, but that's me). I will try to get a picture of Ava in her big bed from the digital camera and upload it to this blog.

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