
Tues 12/30/08 - - Another Tuesday in the OR

Today is a Tuesday, and yet again we found ourselves escorting Ava to the Operating Room. In comparison to the previous two Tuesdays is that this time it was for a pretty simplistic procedure to install a central IV line into her groin. There was no need to put her on the artificial heart-lung machine, stop her heart, or etc.... But they did have to put a breathing tube back in just for the procedure. However it did not remain in and was taken out prior to going back to her room.

Also while in the OR, they changed her vacuum dressing on her chest wound. The wound appears to be healing nicely and there has not been any return of pus or infection to the area. While surgery was taking place we once again waited in the Family waiting room with Nana, Papa, Grandma and Grandpa Smith and Aunt Christina while Aunt Leah and Uncle Andy watched the little ones. Hopefully this will be the last time we will be visiting the Family Room for that reason.

While both procedures were a success, the best news came during the morning rounds by the doctors and residents.

#1] Ava's blood culture from 12/28 was still negative - - this is the longest that a blood culture has made it negative thus far (note: the culture was still negative as of 20:00).

#2] The clot that was found on the 12/29 echo had not grown in size per today's echo. That means that the antibiotics and the heparin have a good chance to break up and dissolve the clot and hopefully Ava will not require another surgery. Routine echos will be performed daily to ensure that the clot does not grow, but so far - so good. We take good news any chance we can get!

Ava was actually flaring her arms and legs in happiness following today's OR visit and continues to sass the nurses. Teresa has also been able to lay in the bed with Ava and snuggle with her since we cannot hold her till tomorrow. She continues to be literally wrapped around our fingers and has been pacifying on Teresa's pinky finger for hours straight and will not take a regular pacifier for anything. She even cries when Teresa takes her finger away. There is still no fever to report and the overall outlook right now is leaning in her favor as long as the clot decides not to grow.


  1. I really like the blog.
    You blog pretty well! I'm glad that you started this, so I can keep up with you guys. It seems that every day there's something new [either good or bad].
    Keep your chin up, kids. Know that all of you are in Lee & I's thoughts/prayers.
    Love you long time!!

  2. Anonymous11:30

    bry and t-
    thanks so much for starting this blog! it's a simple way to get all the info without feeling like we are waking anyone up by calling to check in! we are always thinking of you and ava and wondering what is going on, but now we know. it's hard to be so far away and not be able to visit like we did at xmas- we got spoiled!all we can do is pray and pray- and pray we do!!...along with everyone we know in ny! we will be back in feb and hopefully visit ava at home! thanks again for the great blog!

  3. Anonymous22:44

    Everyone here at the Blazeks are praying for you and li'l Ava. We can't wait to see her again!

    Alfred, Susan, Paul, Caleb, Josiah and Xavier
