
Sat 12/27/08 - - Recovery Day 4 (Round Two)

As Ava's daytime nurse put it, today was a pretty "boring day".

Ava remains stable, and they are starting to ween her off her dependency on the ventilator in hopes that her blood cultures will start showing negative traces of MRSA and we can progress further with her recovery efforts.

There was no echo scheduled for today.

Ava continues to receive around-the-clock doses of the vancomycin and gentimycin antibiotics (oxacillin was discontinued when it was found out it was MRSA as it will have no effect on it).

I heard through the grapevine that more people are going to be visiting this blog so I overhauled the layout including templates, and updated from the first surgery to current (I was slacking I admit...)

The original plan was this blog to be hosted at http://www.avashines.com, however, the Cleveland Clinic firewall prevents me from administering it (because of the TCP ports that it requires).

So, going forward I will produce daily updates for all at this location.

Teresa and I would like to thank everyone for their prayers and warm wishes thus far as they have been well received.

Please continue to check back for the latest updates....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:03

    Thank you for keeping us updated Brian. I've thought of, and prayed for Ava all weekend and will continue to do so. Be sure that she's going to be a strong force to reckon with when she grows up! -DT
