
Sun 12/28/08 - - A New Strategy

Following the morning rounds we found out that Ava's blood cultures from 12/25 and 12/26 had come back positive for MRSA as well.

Though this is not entirely out of the ordinary for the infection that Ava has, the doctors were concerned that the infection was being drawn to where the central and arterial IVs were located.

As a new strategy, they decided to pull both of them and just leave two peripheral IVs. The belief is that with 24-48 hours without any central or arterial lines the odds of sterilizing Ava's blood goes up.

Ava resumed full feeds via the NG tube and started to really act like Ava - - even while on the ventilator. The sassy girl was trying to pull her NG tube, ventilator tube, and other wires/tubes so they had to restrain her right arm.

There is also talk about possibly extubating Ava from the ventilator on Monday morning as she is ready to breath on her own. In preparation they are stopping her feeds at midnight and will be lowering the dose of morphine she is receiving.

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